Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Homeless for the New Year.....

I apologize for not posting any new posts lately. Our computer died before Christmas and I have not had to opportunity to upload any new pictures. I know we had told lots of you we were moving before the first of the year but that did not happen. We did however have to move out of our rental house because someone was ready to move into it at the first of year. So that leaves us homeless until the house is finished. The house is behind schedule due to our trim guys. I know this sounds familiar, yes they were the ones putting us behind initially and once again we are waiting for them. To get our certificate of occupancy, the spindles have to be done on the stairs. The trim guys are the ones responsible for this spindles. So here we sit waiting on them again. The good news is that all the other minor things are getting done before we move in because there is plenty of time to finish them why we wait on the trim guys. Hopefully the house will be done is a week or so. Until then we are staying with Kristen and when we wear out our welcome their we maybe moving onto the Eder house. I will try to get some updated pictures posted soon because has been a lot of things happening in the past couple of weeks.

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