Friday, February 12, 2010

Look at me now!

We busted out the activity center a couple of weeks ago. Olivia loves it! She knew exactly what to do. She just started playing with all of the little gadgets and turning her self around in it. It is so much fun just watching her get excited about all the new things she can do. These pictures are from the first time that we put Olivia in the activity center.

Olivia focusing on her new toy.

Olivia was a little too short to reach the ground. So we put our old pharmacy text books to some good use.

On that same weekend, Olivia's friend Owen stopped by to play. We took their picture together. I can't believe how big they are both getting!

1 comment:

Tim Alvey said...

She is too cute. Still haven't seen any pictures of the outfit Thomas and I bought. Little disappointed. haha JK. Hope you guys are doing well.